Do you need assistance with finding information for your research, assignment or project?
Please consult your Information Librarian. There are six Information Librarians, each responsible for the needs of a particular faculty or group of departments. There is also a professional librarian based at the Main Campus Library, dedicated to providing full librarian services in the evenings and after hours.
Library induction programmes are designed to provide practical assistance to those new to university or postgraduate work. The purpose is to introduce new clients to the physical library, facilities and services offered by the library and ensure that users have adequate information retrieval skills to exploit information. Information Librarians are responsible for planning, conducting and delivering all the information literacy programmes of the library to empower clients. This includes the following:
- Library induction session for Postgraduates
- Library induction for new students
- Training on using library databases.
- Using the Internet for research
- Advanced information retrieval skills
Contact your Faculty Librarian to make appointment:
- Faculty of Applied & Computer Sciences:
- Faculty of Engineering & Technology:
- Faculty of Human Sciences:
- Faculty of Management:
Research Support Librarian:
Information Librarian (After hours):